(+) Authors having registered for regular presentations, not being eventually able to travel and present their papers at the conference venue in Barcelona, will be invited to present their papers online. In those cases, the fees already paid exceeding the amount corresponding to the fees for such papers on the online presentation option would be reimbursed, minus a 10% administrative fee. No full reimbursement could be requested in any case. (*) Co-authors attending the conference CANNOT apply for this reduced rate; they should apply for the standard rate. Reduced rates are ONLY applicable to postgraduate students and accompanying persons (they include lunches and dinners). (**) The Standard, POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS (Full conference fees) registrations include lunches and dinners. (***) Postgraduate students must provide proof of their status with a copy of their student card (send it to: nbplregistration@ccm-events.com). The document has to be presented when collecting the documentation. (****) A charge of 100€ will be applied for each extra page (up to a maximum of 4 extra pages).
Bank transfer for CONFERENCE FEES, payable to CAIXABANK Account Number: 2100 3753 7922 0012 8560 IBAN: ES85 2100 3753 7922 0012 8560 B.I.C. / Swift Code: CAIX ES BB XXX CONCEPT OF PAYMENT: NBPL2022 NAME + LAST NAME ISSUE EXPENSES: by the payer Owner of the Account Number: (Registration Secretariat) ABCWECTHOR INTERNATIONAL, S.L. (VAT Number: B-87461448) Address: C/ Dalia, nº 40 - 1º D. CP. 28933 Móstoles (Madrid). Send a copy of the transfer to this newsletter indicating the concept of payment by email to the mailbox: nbplregistration@ccm-events.com
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